Employment Changes

Assistance and requests related to a current employee’s assignment such as compensation changes, hours worked, on/off contract, extending employee end date, stop assignment, labor change, reappointment/renewal of term assignment, additional assignments, overload assignments, semester assignments for adjuncts, students and temps, and end of employment or transfers.

Eligible Peoples

  • Faculty
  • Staff
  • Student Employee


  • Prior to completing this form, ensure you have obtained the proper approvals for this request from your dean, director or supervisor, including verifying budget availability, fund/org information, assignment dates and rate of pay. Some requests will require additional approvals from the provost and/or UA HR.


Requests may be submitted at anytime and will be worked and responded to during normal operating hours for UAA Shared Services.

UAA Shared Services normal business hours are Monday – Friday, 8am – 5pm, Alaska time.

Provided By

UAA Shared Services Human Resources Coordinator Team.

Additional Assignments Employment Changes Hire/Rehire Temporary Employees

Service Offerings (3)

Additional Assignments
Assistance and requests related to assignments that are in addition to an employee’s primary assignment. These are called secondary assignments, additional summer assignments, or overloads.
Assignment Changes
Assistance and requests related to a current employee’s primary assignment such as compensation changes, labor change, hours worked, reappointment/renewal of term assignment, on/off contract, extending end date, stop assignment, and end of employment.
Hire/Rehire of Temporary Employees
Semester assignments for adjuncts, student workers and temp staff.

Attachments (0)

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