Get Started with Ticket Surveys


An introduction on where to get started with creating and managing ticket surveys through the Enterprise Service Management (ESM) system to receive customer feedback, gauge customer satisfaction. Provides guidance on survey best practices, where to start creating survey questions in the survey bank, creating a survey, adding survey questions to the survey, customizing the customer notification message and more.



This article will help Enterprise Service Management (ESM) App Admins to create and manage ticketing surveys via the TDNext interface. Ticket surveys can automatically be sent out to ticket requestors if their ticket matches set criteria after a ticket is completed. Unique questions can be created for each survey, or be reused across multiple surveys within the same Ticketing Application.

Individuals must have permission to Access Surveys, Create and modify Survey, and optionally to Delete unused Surveys and Survey Questions in order to utilize the information presented here.
Each Ticketing Application contains it's own Survey Question BankSurveys, and Survey Responses. By default, a new Ticketing App has no pre-created survey questions, or surveys. If the department desires to send out customer surveys upon ticket closure it will be necessary to first create the desired questions, survey(s), and then specifying criteria for when surveys are sent.

In this article:


Learn about creating survey questions, using the survey question bank, and creating surveys


Learning about managing surveys, and survey responses.

Gotchas & Pitfalls

Surveys can be marked as public, and a link can be used to embed within an HTML button or simple including the link within an email. A public Survey Link will not require the respondent to sign in to complete the Survey therefore the Associated Item such as a ticket will not display in the Survey Response nor will be the person submitting the Survey Response.

Need additional help or have issues

For support, requests may be submitted anytime using the appropriate Enterprise Service Management form. Requests generate a Ticket which will be worked in order received and urgency by IT Employees with the knowledge and permissions to assist with the request.

For immediate assistance please review the Contact Us page for the appropriate support group.



Article ID: 1326
Fri 11/4/22 12:18 PM
Wed 5/24/23 3:12 PM