Academic Equipment Loan

University of Alaska of Alaska (UAA) has a limited number of computing devices for loan for students in need for the purpose of completing University Courses. These device are loaned based on the need for the device in the order of the requests received.

Devices are checked out for one (1) semester, and should be returned to the place they were loaned from. Students may request an extension for a checked out devices for a maximum of two (2) additional semesters. Students requesting an extension must still meet eligibility requirements for an extension to be approved. After the maximum extension request limit is reached, the device must be returned for service.

All currently checked out devices must be returned at the end of Spring semester for service, regardless of the original semester the device is checked out. If a student needs a device for summer classes, a new request for check out should be submitted.

Requests for exceptions may be considered. If you would like to request an exception, please include detailed information about why you are requesting an exception in your check out request.

Students are responsible for the care and security of devices and may be held responsible for cost of replacement or repair.
If a device is damaged, lost, or stolen during a loan, you must report it to UAA IT Services as soon as possible. This may help us repair damage or recover the device quickly. Devices that are not returned or do not have an extension request submitted by the posted deadline are at risk of having a Library hold placed on the student's account and having the device reported as stolen to the University Police.

Device Returns

If you picked it up from the Library it needs to be taken back to the Library.

If you picked up the Device from IT Services or it was mailed to you. It can be returned by one of the two below methods.

  1. Drop of by appointment, call UAA Tech Support Center at (907) 786-4646 and select the options for technical support.
  2. Mail back to IT Services, include the the IT ticket number on the label and send to the address below.

UAA IT Desktop Services - Ticket [Ticket Number]
Social Sciences Building room 120
3211 Providence Drive
Anchorage, AK 99508

Eligible Peoples


Prior to requesting a device, determine your software needs based on class requirements.
  • You must be registered for UAA courses in the semester the device will be loaned, or be admitted into a UAA degree program and registered for University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) or University of Alaska Southeast (UAS) courses in the semester the device will be loaned
  • You must have a demonstrable need (Examples: you do not have a functioning device, the device that you do have does not meet the software needs for your class)
  • You must Agree to the Terms as stated at the bottom of the request form.
  • You must be in good standing for the loan program. 


There is no cost to borrow a device; however, individuals are responsible for the total cost of replacement or repair for lost, stolen, or damaged equipment and their accessories.


Length of Loan

Devices are loaned on a semester basis and must be returned by return deadline or have an extension request approved. Requests or extensions for upcoming semesters open during the finals week of the prior semester. For example Spring requests can be submitted during the prior Fall semester's finals week. There is a maximum of three consecutive semesters for device loans. After three semesters, the device must be returned. This is so regular maintenance can be done to ensure the device keeps working properly.

Semester Return Deadlines

  • Fall: December 20th
  • Spring: May 10th
  • Summer: August 15th


If request is approved then device provided to you will be determined by IT Services based on your usage needs.

Tier 1 laptop

For standard class usage and participation. These systems are best for everyday processing such as accessing Blackboard or email, attending class via Zoom, using Microsoft Office products, and logging in to a UAA Virtual computer lab. They are capable of running most applications including, but not limited to, Remote Proctoring, SPSS Statistics, Adobe Creative Cloud, Microsoft Visio, and Microsoft Access.

Tier 2 laptop

For all class usage and participation. These systems can run everything the Tier 1 laptops can and has higher processing power when needed.


All laptops come with standard software installed or available through the Software Center.
Standard software includes, but is not limited to:

  • Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
  • Zoom
  • Web browsers such as Edge, Safari, Chrome, and Firefox
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader

If you have specialty or personally owned software you would like to install, be sure to list it in your request form. Personally owned software may be installed on laptops with the express approval of IT Services.
Some specialty software and all personally owned software require an IT technician to install which can be done in the UAA IT Services Office or remotely via a screen share. If personally owned software is approved and installed, students are responsible for, 

  • Retaining software access keys, proof of entitlements or purchase, etc., and
  • Uninstalling the software from loaned laptops before returning the device, if they require access to the software later on another device.

UAA IT Services retains the right to deny installation of any software or remove non-standard software at any time.

Supported By

UAA IT Services facilitates the request and support for the devices loaned. If you need assistance with an existing request or have questions about this program please contact the UAA IT Business Office. If you are having issues with a device you have on loan please submit a request for Support of a University Computer.

The UAA/APU Consortium Library supports the check-out and return of loaned device at their main desk.