Managed Print

Managed Print (MP) is a service that delivers self-service printing. MP allows students, staff, faculty, and other affiliates to print from any device and release their print to any support location using standardized equipment. Why use a managed print system instead of a simple printing system/policy? Costs related to printing have escalated over the years as more electronic resources are becoming available through the university's campus library's electronic resources, book publisher's websites, and other sources. To keep balance in the system by promoting responsible printing and to conserve resources by controlling abuse, waste, and rising costs, the university has implemented the user-friendly Managed Print Service as a cost recovery system.

Eligible Peoples

  • Alumni
  • Community Partner
  • Faculty
  • Non-University Individual with a UA Login
  • Sponsored Guest
  • Staff
  • Student
  • Student Employee
  • UAA Contracted Vendor


Individuals using the MP are responsible for paying for the pages they print. Some campuses provide students enrolled for the current semester with a non-accumulating printing allocation/credit that they can use to pay for their print jobs. Staff, faculty, students, and affiliates can also use their campus bucks (e.g. WolfBucks, Bear Bucks, etc.) to pay for printing. Printing costs vary by type of printing (e.g. black & white, color), size (e.g. 8.5"x11", 11"x17", etc.), features (e.g. simplex, duplex, stapled, etc.), and the total number of pages. The MP stations will display the cost associated with each print job, and individuals must have sufficient balance available on printing allocation and/or campus bucks in order to cover the entirety of the cost. Please note that campus dining dollars are not usable for printing costs.

University guests may purchase print cards at the one of the following locations, and add funds to their print card at Value Transfer Stations (VTS) located at various campus locations.

  • UAA Consortium Library
  • UAA MatSu campus library

Additional funds may be added via the self-service Value Transfer Stations located at various campus locations, or online 


Managed Print Rates
Black & White Letter, Simplex (single-sided) .13¢ / sheet
Black & White Letter, Duplex (double-sided) .14¢ / sheet
Black & White Tabloid (11x17), Simplex (single-sided) .15¢ / sheet
Black & White Tabloid (11x17), Duplex (double-sided) .18¢ / sheet
Color Letter, Simplex (single-sided) .21¢ / sheet
Color Letter, Duplex (double-sided) .32¢ / sheet
Color Tabloid (11x17), Simplex (single-sided) .33¢ / sheet
Color Tabloid (11x17), Duplex (double-sided) .54¢ / sheet


MP printers are available 24 hours, seven days a week, and 365 days per year; however, access is limited by the hours of operations associated with the facilities where the printer(s) resides.

  • During scheduled updated or upgrades that require the system to be unavailable. You can see service availability on the UAA Service Status page.

Supported By


This service is maintained and supported by UAA IT Services. Requests for support may be submitted anytime via the Request Support button on the right side of this page. Requests generate a Ticket which will be worked in order received and urgency by the IT Employees with the knowledge and permissions to assist with the request.

For immediate support please contact the appropriate UAA IT Support office.

UAA Mobile Print Managed Print Supplies Setup or Change a Print Location Proctor Account Request Support

Related Articles (3)

This article outlines why UAA has deployed a managed print system instead of a simple printing system/policy by outlining its benefits and also providing an overview of the technology.
Frequently asked questions and answers about the managed print and Pharos printing systems.
The Managed Print service is available at the following locations across the following UAA campuses.

Service Offerings (5)

UAA Mobile Print
Mobile Print service allows you to easily print your files via email, online through a web browser, as well as from a traditional computer to any UAA location that supports the Mobile Print service
Supply Request for Managed Print Location
Request restock of paper, and toner supplies for locations participating in the Managed Print service.
Managed Print Proctor Account
Request the creation of a new Managed Print proctor account.
Questions or Assistance with Managed Print Service
Assistance for how to do something; have something done you don't have permissions for; get answers to questions to common scenarios, or report error messages.