Applications Supported
Marketing Cloud by Salesforce
UAA's Email Marketing Platform can be used to send email marketing campaigns to targeted University audiences (all staff & faculty, current students of a particular college, alumni, etc.). The platform is capable of tracking and reporting on the success of a particular campaign (whether an email was opened, if a particular link was clicked, etc.).
Eligible Peoples
- Active UA Identity/Account that has been granted access to this application.
- Device with access to the Internet.
- Device with a Web browser, suggested browsers are, Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Safari.
There is currently no cost to departments or colleges to use the platform. Initial funding came from general funds provided by VCAS. The current contract ends in September 2024, so the cost structure may need to be revisited at that time.
This is a cloud based application and is available to use 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Except during the regularly scheduled maintenance Window.
Supported By
This service is maintained and supported by UAA IT Services. Requests for support may be submitted anytime via the Request Support button on the right side of this page. Requests generate a Ticket which will be worked in order received and urgency by the IT Employees with the knowledge and permissions to assist with the request.
For immediate support please contact the appropriate UAA IT Support office.