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Install Software

Request software installations to university owned computers or computers owned by current students, faculty, or staff. ... This service is used to request software installations to university owned computers or computers owned by current students, faculty, or staff. For a complete description of applicable charges base

Questions or Assistance with Video Conferencing

Assistance for the Video Conferencing for, how to do something; have something done you don't have permissions for; or get answers to questions. ... Assistance for how to do something; have something done you don't have permissions for; or get answers to questions like, Can I do ..... What does ..... mean/do How do I ...... Why Can't

Create a Display/Monitor Asset

Information on how to manually create a display/monitor asset record within the Enterprise Service Management (ESM) system. ... connectivity A web browser Privileges within the UA ESM system to the Asset/CIs module How do I use this technology? Open a web browser. Navigate to the UA ESM website. Login to the

Delete a Mailman List

received by the IT Employees with the knowledge and permissions to assist with the request. For immediate assistance please review the Contact Us page for ways to contact the appropriate support group.

Support for Virtual Computer Environments

Assistance with Virtual Computers (VDI) for how to do something; have something done you don't have permissions for; get answers to questions; or report an error with the system. ... Assistance with Virtual Computers (VDI) for how to do something; have something done you don't have permissions for; get answers to questions; or report an error with the system. If you are

Send Email Messages Larger than 25 MB

Overview 25 MB is a fairly standard limit for most email systems around the world. If you need to transmit a file, or files, that is larger than 25 MB you should consider other options for sharing

Remove a Forward from Exchange Account

  How do I use this technology? Open a web browser, and login to your UA Exchange account. Click Outlook.   In the top right, click Settings.   Click

Can I use the consumer version of an online storage service for university business?

, of these services for their personal use for non-university business it is strongly recommended that a non-UA email is used to register for using these consumer services. Need additional help or

Add or Change Cabling

Request the addition of new network cabling, a change to existing cabling, or the removal of cabling. ... This service is used to report (work provided by vendors) or request the addition of new network cabling, a change to existing cabling, or the removal of cabling. Labor rates are charged on a per

When does my account expire?

expired semesterly. Disabled account owners may be able to appeal for a temporary, one time only, 30 day access by submitting a ticket to the IT Service Center. Staff and Faculty

Signup for SSMS Notifications

Receive email notifications related to the Scheduling & Space Management System (SSMS). ... Receive email notifications related to the Scheduling & Space Management System (SSMS) . This includes, Information about new features Setting or configuration changes that may change what or

Add or Change a Phone

Order a new VoIP telephone, request updates to a telephone, or remove/decommission a telephone. This form can also facilitate requests for multiple phones. ... This service is used to order a new VoIP telephone, request updates to a telephone, or remove/decommission a telephone. This form can also facilitate requests for multiple phones. Eligibility

Questions or Assistance with Telephone

Assistance with Telephone services for, how to do something; have something done you don't have permissions for; or get answers to questions. ... Assistance for how to do something; have something done you don't have permissions for; or get answers to questions like, Can I do ..... What does ..... mean/do How do I ...... Why Can't

Add or Change DHCP Entry

Request a new DHCP entry, an update to an existing DHCP entry, or the removal of a DHCP entry. ... This service is used to request a new DHCP entry, an update to an existing DHCP entry, or the removal of a DHCP entry. DHCP is a network management protocol used on UDP/IP networks whereby a DHCP

Questions or Assistance with Managed Print Service

Assistance for how to do something; have something done you don't have permissions for; get answers to questions to common scenarios, or report error messages. ... Assistance for how to do something; have something done you don't have permissions for; or get answers to questions like, Can I do ..... What does ..... mean/do How do I ...... Why Can't