Enterprise Service Management Surveys


The Enterprise Service Management (ESM) system used by university departments, has a built-in ability to send and process small surveys with the intention of gauging the satisfaction, level of service, or overall happiness of a customer's experience with a department.

If you receive a survey request, we ask that you take the time to answer it. The feedback, both good and bad, will help improve the services provided and/or let us know areas that need more focus. All surveys will be short, as they are not intended to make a customer do more work, but are intended as a feedback tool.


You may not always receive a survey. They are randomly sent out customers, depending on certain criteria. Some surveys may be sent only to those asking for assistance with a specific topic, while others may be sent to a larger sampling of clients.


The surveys managed by the ESM system are not anonymous; however, the responses are generally treated as confidential. These surveys are typically linked to a specific request that you had submitted to a department utilizing the ESM system. Departments may elect to create anonymous surveys from time to time.

Each survey is associated with a specific department and responses are restricted to department employees. All data is stored in a password protected electronic format. Departments will process responses in order to monitor the level of customer satisfaction by asking a series of questions regarding your opinion to the quality of service rendered and/or supplied to you by the department.

Personal data associated with surveys are not disseminated. Responses are combined with those of others, analyzed as a group, and summarized to provide overall performance trends.


Survey Request Notification Template

Below is the generalized email template used for most UAA ESM-related surveys. However, some departments may choose their own email template style.

ESM Ticketing App Survey Request Notification template example


Need additional help or have issues

For support, requests may be submitted anytime using the appropriate Enterprise Service Management form. Requests generate a Ticket which will be worked in order received and urgency by IT Employees with the knowledge and permissions to assist with the request.

For immediate assistance please review the Contact Us page for the appropriate support group.


Article ID: 1343
Thu 11/10/22 4:03 PM
Wed 2/1/23 1:48 PM