Request a New Mailing List


The person (or account) who requests a new University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA) mailing list becomes the list sponsor, as well as an owner of the list by default. Lists may have multiple owners and moderators, but only one sponsor. University staff, faculty, departments, and organizations can request mailing lists. Students desiring a mailing list related to a class, or club activities, please have the faculty, or club sponsor submit a request on your behalf.

Each list should always have a current sponsor. To request a change in list sponsorship (for example, in cases of changes in job responsibilities), contact the UAA Technical Support Center with the list name, current sponsor, reason for change (retired, left UAA, moved to another group, etc.), and new sponsor.

As the owner of a mailing list at the UAA, you have full responsibility for actively monitoring and maintaining the list. The subject matter covered by the list is up to you. By agreeing to own a mailing list, you assume the responsibility of day-to-day monitoring and operation of the list. It is your job to ensure that the list continues to run smoothly and that all participants adhere to university policies and follow the list's stated objectives. You will be expected to subscribe to the list and monitor the discussions to ensure that the list is serving its intended purpose.

Please Note: lists created on the Mailman mailing list server are not, and should not be, associated with class rosters, or with UA Learning Management System (LMS) (aka Blackboard Learn) classes. Methods for e-mailing a class roster are provided by UA LMS.

In this article:

How do I use this technology?

Request a new standard Mailman list

New mailing lists can be requested by any University of Alaska staff, or faculty member. Before submitting a request for a new list, please have the following information ready:

  • Desired list name (e.g. Greek-Life)
  • List Style
    • Announcement: An announce list is typically used to allow postings from only a small number of approved individuals and/or departments to the list's members as a way of getting information out quickly to the target audience. It does not allow the list members to post, or respond to posts sent to the list.
    • Discussion: A discussion list is typically used to allow postings from any subscribed list member to facilitate general discussion.
  • Purpose for the list: A brief explanation of the reason the list is being requested.
  • List Description: This description will be displayed on Mailman's listing page showing all the publicly displayed lists. It should be as succinct as you can get it, while still identifying what the list is.
  • An introductory description: An introductory description, up to a few paragraphs, about the list. This will be displayed at the top of the listinfo page.
  • Department sponsoring the list, or department of sponsoring employee
  • Mailing list administrator(s) (aka owner), this is the primary person(s) responsible for the list
  • Mailing list moderator(s), these are the individuals who can approve/deny messages sent via the list
  • Should the list be advertised: This will determine if the list is displayed when people look to see what lists are available.

Once you have required information please submit a Add or Change a Mailing List form.

Request a new dynamic Mailman list

New dynamic mailing lists can be requested by any University of Alaska staff, or faculty member. Before submitting a request for a new list, please have the following information ready:

  • Desired list name (e.g. Greek-Life-dl)
  • List Style
    • ​​​​​​​Announcement: An announce list is typically used to allow postings from only a small number of approved individuals and/or departments to the list's members as a way of getting information out quickly to the target audience. It does not allow the list members to post, or respond to posts sent to the list. Most dynamic lists tend to be announcement style; however, this is not a requirement.
    • Discussion: A discussion list is typically used to allow postings from any subscribed list member to facilitate general discussion.
  • Purpose for the list: A brief explanation of the reason the list is being requested.
  • List Description: This description will be displayed on Mailman's listing page showing all the publicly displayed lists. It should be as succinct as you can get it, while still identifying what the list is.
  • An introductory description: An introductory description, up to a few paragraphs, about the list. This will be displayed at the top of the listinfo page.
  • Department sponsoring the list, or department of sponsoring employee
  • Mailing list administrator(s) (aka owner), this is the primary person(s) responsible for the list
  • Mailing list moderator(s), these are the individuals who can approve/deny messages sent via the list
  • Dynamic lists are un-advertised: Dynamic lists will not be advertised as an available list.
  • Identifying membership attributes: Desired Banner information that can be used to appropriately identify list membership (e.g. everyone registered to take 1 credit hour or more on the Kodiak campus for the current semester). Preferably please provided the Banner table (e.g. SFRSTCR), attribute (e.g. SFRSTCR_CREDIT_HR), and value (e.g. 3+ credit hours). For employee related lists reference attributes might include D Level, Time Keep Location (TKL), or job classification (i.e. staff, faculty), etc. If this level of detail is not known, please provide which Banner Form you are using to view/see the desired value, and which field you are referencing. Dynamic lists can also be populated based upon Active Directory (AD) related information; however, membership provisioning based upon Banner data is preferred.

Once you have required information please submit a Add or Change a Mailing List form.

Once your request has been submitted, UAA IT Services will review the request. You will receive an email notification of the decision. If approved, the list owner will be able to use the Mailman web interface to manage the list.

Need additional help or have issues

For support, requests may be submitted anytime by Requesting Support for the Mailing List service. Support Requests are worked by Priority based on the Impact and Urgency of need as well as the order they are received by the IT Employees with the knowledge and permissions to assist with the request.

For immediate assistance please review the Contact Us page for ways to contact the appropriate support group.

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Article ID: 144
Tue 5/26/20 11:57 AM
Wed 5/24/23 8:56 AM

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UAA Mailman is a web-based email distribution list manager that allows staff, faculty, and university departments and organizations to use email lists for distribution of news, upcoming events, and/or general discussion among subscribers.