Images can make it easier to follow instructions in a KB article. The most effective images do one of the following:
- Show what something looks like
- Help the customer locate something
- Provide confirmation of settings
In this article:
Before adding an image to an article
Before adding any images to the KB article, make sure the document makes sense without images. The text should stand on its own, be concise, and easy to understand.
Not every step requires an image. Consider the complexity of what is trying to be conveyed, and the associated instructions when determining whether or not to use one.
Creating images
Once you have determined the need for an image, Take a Screenshot, then edit the image as needed.
Focusing images
Crop the image to show only the most relevant information. This improves consumability by removing extraneous information. It also improves readability and keeps the file size smaller.
You may also need to highlight specific areas in an image to focus the customer's attention. The use of arrows, boxes, or other elements to highlight import aspects may be appropriate. Our standard is to use one of the following as appropriate:
- Rectangular box with a Monza-ish color (RGB value: 216 0 65) when trying to indicate a button, or menu to click.

- Callout rounded rectangular box (Box RGB value: 78 166 133; Text RGB value: 255 196 37, bold text, Arial font)

Additional resources