Why are messages from the list owner moderated?

What is this article about?

Information on why mailman might be blocking messages sent to a list from the mail owner.

How do I use this technology?

The mailing list does not automatically recognize messages from the list owner and distribute them without moderation. Instead, the list looks to see whether you are subscribed to your list and what the moderation rule is for you as a subscriber, or non-subscriber.

Most often, owners whose messages are being moderated are not subscribed to their own list.

Option 1: Subscribe to the list

To add your email address to the list do the following:

  1. Go to your list’s administration pages at:


    where <listname> is replaced with the actual name of your list.
  2. Login with your list owner password.
  3. Click Membership Management section.
  4. Click Mass Subscription.
  5. Type in your name and email address in the following format:

    email_address@alaska.edu (Your Name)

    When finished, click on the Submit Your Changes button.
  6. You should then view your Membership List and make sure that the box in the mod column is not checked next to your email address. If it is, uncheck it, and click on the Submit Your Changes button.


Option 2: Add your email address to allowed non-member address to post list

If you do not want to subscribe to your list, but you still want to be able to post messages without being moderated, you can add your email address to the list of non-members allowed to post.

  1. Go to your list’s administration pages at:


    where <listname> is replaced with the actual name of your list.
  2. Login with your list owner password.
  3. Click on Privacy Options.
  4. Click on Sender Filters.
  5. Under Non-member filters section in the List of non-member addresses whose postings should be automatically accepted type your email address into the box.
  6. Click Submit Your Changes button.

Need additional help or have issues

For support, requests may be submitted anytime by Requesting Support for the Mailing List service. Support Requests are worked by Priority based on the Impact and Urgency of need as well as the order they are received by the IT Employees with the knowledge and permissions to assist with the request.

For immediate assistance please review the Contact Us page for ways to contact the appropriate support group.

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Article ID: 73
Wed 4/1/20 1:13 PM
Wed 5/24/23 8:41 AM

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UAA Mailman is a web-based email distribution list manager that allows staff, faculty, and university departments and organizations to use email lists for distribution of news, upcoming events, and/or general discussion among subscribers.