All knowledge articles go through several stages during their lifespan, beginning with Not Submitted and progressing through Archived. An archived article is one in which the content is no longer explicitly relevant (e.g. the corresponding service has been retired) and should not be displayed to the customer; however, the institutional knowledge represented by the article shall be retained.
How do I use this technology?
The status of an article can be viewed from a search result.

As well as when viewing the article directly. When reading an archived article a banner notice will be added with the text "This article has been archived and may contain outdated information."

Article Status Stages and Definitions
- Not Submitted: A draft or work-in-progress article
- Any IT employee, or IT knowledge author, can create an article, and set the status to Not Submitted.
- Article owners can continue to edit their own articles as long as it remains in the Not Submitted state.
- It is strongly encouraged, just like when writing a document in a text editor, to click the Save, or Save as Draft button frequently to minimize the chance of losing edits due to any browser issues.
- Submitted: An article that is ready for review
- Articles awaiting review can be found within the Knowledge Base (KB) by clicking the Articles Pending Review menu.
- Articles should undergo at least two levels of review
- Level 1: Review by a Knowledge Contributor looking for technical accuracy, spelling mistakes, and poor grammar, conformance to overall approved UAA KB article style guides. See the Checklist to Approve Knowledge Article for more details.
- Level 2: Review by the service line owner. The team responsible for the service line associated with the knowledge article should be requested to review the article before it is initially published, or future drafts are published to ensure the information presented is in line with service being offered by IT Services.
- Once reviews are completed the article can be marked as Approved.
- Approved: Represents an article that has been reviewed by both the KB Contributor, and Service owner
- KB Candidates can edit any articles owned by them, or a group they are a member of.
- KB Contributors can edit, and approve any article.
- KB Publishers can edit, and approve any article.
- Only Approved articles are displayed when an IT employee browses through the Knowledge Base, if they have login to the system.
- Rejected: An article that has been rejected for approval by either a KB Contributor, or Service owner
- When a KB Contributor, or Service owner, rejects an article they must include a reason for the rejection. Additionally, they should change the status back to Not Submitted.
- Archived: An article that has been retired from the Knowledge Base
- Articles that have been marked as Archived will continue to show up in knowledge searches for IT employees only, and are clearly marked as such.
- Changing the status to Archived also removes the Published setting from the article.
Publishing Approved Articles
Articles that have been approved, and published, are available to customers on the UAA IT Knowledge Base.
- Published is a specific setting on an article that KB Publishers can apply to an article.
- Only Approved articles can be Published.
- KB Publishers should always communicate with the service owner before publishing knowledge, and should follow the Checklist for Publishing Knowledge.