Address Article Feedback


Addressing feedback in a timely manner is essential to keeping knowledge resources up to date. When someone gives feedback on an article, everyone in the group that owns the article receives an email.


In this article:


Address article feedback

  1. Locate an article with Feedback using one of the following methods:
    • Click the article link at the bottom of the feedback notification email message 
    • Click the Feedback button in the Knowledge Base to see a list of feedback customers have left for articles.

      TDX Knowledge Base Feedback navigation button highlighted
      • The list will default to articles that you own (if any).
      • Change the Owner to your Group to see all the feedback for your Group's articles.

        TDX Knowledge Base feedback search by owning group
    • Search the Knowledge Base for a particular article.
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the article.
  3. Click the Feedback link. The number of comments is listed in parentheses.

    TDX Knowledge Article Feedback button highlighted
  4. Read the Comments.
    • Note: The first line of the feedback is determined by whether the customer clicked Yes, or No to the question Was this helpful?
  5. Determine the appropriate action
    • Should the existing article be updated? If so continue to the next step.
    • Should the existing article be retired? If so follow the retire article process.
    • Should a new article be created? If so Create a Knowledge Article.
  6. Right-click Edit Article in the right column, and select Open in new window. This allows you to refer back to the feedback that was provided as you make the necessary changes to the article.
  7. If the article has already been Published then click Save Draft.
  8. Return to the browser window displaying the Feedback.
  9. Click Marked Addressed. The feedback is addressed and the link changes to Mark Not Addressed.

    TDX Knowledge Article feedback mark addressed button highlighted


Following-up with customer who added feedback

A customer took the time to provide feedback on an article. Customer feedback is about taking the opportunity to look at what we're doing, as well as how, and then acting on what we learn to improve our organization, and community. It is important to respond to the person so they know their feedback has been received.

If it's good feedback, thank the customer for taking the time sharing their thoughts. It is not uncommon in the IT industry to only hear feedback when something is broken, or a customer is unhappy. However, organizations can learn, and improve, from positive feedback as well.

When responding to negative feedback, thank the customer for bringing the issue to our attention, and let them know what was done, or not done, to address it.


Be cautious when dealing with negative feedback. Knee jerk reactions to criticism, or worse, total silence can be just as bad as never knowing about an issue.


Regardless of the type of feedback provided, contact the person via email and thank them for their time and helpful feedback.

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Article ID: 212
Tue 7/7/20 9:48 AM
Mon 6/24/24 3:25 PM