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Information on how an authorized person can change their default Desktop within the Enterprise Service Management system.
Step by step instructions on how to access the Admin interface (aka TDAdmin) of a Ticketing application. This is applicable for those who are Application Administrators of a Ticketing application.
This introductory article will help individuals with access to an Enterprise Service Managment (ESM) ticketing application (TDNext) to search for tickets.
Information on requesting Time and/or Expense types within the Enterprise Service Management system.
A guide for how to edit an existing ticket expense that was erroneously entered can be corrected as necessary.
A guide for how individuals can record expenses related to a ticket.
Information on how to edit a time entry on a ticket.
Information on how to place a ticket "on hold" during periods of time when no work can be accomplished.
A guide for how to remove an erroneously added expense on an existing ticket.
The Enterprise Service Management (ESM) system offers a Microsoft Excel add-in which allows an authorized individual to import TDNext reports directly into Excel, thus allowing for enhanced analysis/reporting capabilities of the ESM reports. All functionality from Excel can now be applied to your ESM reports and information can be displayed any way prefered.