Retire Asset


The Enterprise Service Management (ESM) system is designed to track relevant assets, and/or configuration items. Within the University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA) Major Administrative Unit (MAU), General Support Services (GSS) is responsible for maintaining all records for the acquisition, transfer, and disposal of University property in keeping with the policies and procedures documented within University of Alaska (UA) System Office (SO) Property Manual (PDF).

All disposals must be done in a manner which is determined to be most advantageous to the University and in compliance with University regulations and the state procurement code AS 36.30.

University departments may not sell or otherwise dispose of property or supplies owned by the university without prior written authorization of the Chief Procurement Officer or authorized designee. The purpose of the written authorization is to ensure that the disposal procedure utilized is appropriate and in compliance with university regulations and the state procurement code.

Surplus property and supplies must be authorized for disposal by the Chief Procurement Officer or authorized designee, such as campus or MAU property manager.
A "Property Disposal Authorization" must be completed for all controlled property and supplies with an estimated net salvage value of $100 or more, to be disposed of and submitted to the campus property coordinator for that main administrative unit. The MAU Property Office will review the form prior to submission to the chief procurement officer or authorized designee for approval.

What materials do I need?

How do I use this technology?

  1. Open a web browser.
  2. Navigate to the UA ESM website.
  3. Login to the UA ESM system with your UA Email address and password.
  4. Click the Assets/CIs tab.
    UAA Enterprise Service Management Assets/CIs button highlighted
  5. Search for the Asset/Configuration Item that is being retired.
  6. Click the asset link to open the Asset detail window.
    UAA Enterprise Service Management Assets/CIs item detail links highlighted
    • The ID, Serial Number, Name, and Service Tag attributes will all open the asset record.
  7. Click the Edit button.
    UAA Enterprise Service Management Asset Edit button highlighted
  8. Scroll down to the Status field.
    UAA Enterprise Service Management Assets/CIs Asset detail status field highlighted
    1. Click the drop-down menu.
    2. Select the Retired status.
      UAA Enterprise Service Management Status drop down menu
  9. Click into the Retired Method field.
    1. Select method the asset was disposed of.
      UAA Enterprise Service Management Retired Method drop down list
  10. Scroll down to the Location field.
    1. If a location is defined, click the 'x' button to clear the existing location from the asset.
      UAA Enterprise Service Management Asset location clear button highlighted
  11. In the Owning Acct/Dept field.
    1. If a department is defined, click the 'x' button to clear the existing department from the asset.
      UAA Enterprise Service Management Asset Owning Department clear button highlighted
  12. In the Owner field.
    1. If an Owner is defined, click the "x" button to clear the existing owner from the asset.
      UAA Enterprise Service Management Asset Owner field clear button highlighted
  13. Scroll down to the Verified By field.
    UAA Enterprise Service Management Asset Verified by field highlighted
    1. Enter your UA username
      UAA Enterprise Service Management Verified By search field
    2. Click on your identity.
  14. Click the Verified Date field.
    UAA Enterprise Service Management Asset Latest Verified date field highlighted
    1. Click the date the asset was retired.
      UAA Enterprise Service Management Asset Latest Verified date picker
  15. Click the Save button.
    UAA Enterprise Service Management Asset Save button highlighted
  16. Click the To Detail button.
    UAA Enterprise Service Management Asset To Detail button highlighted
  17. Assets with a UA Property Tag must complete the following sub-step.
    1. Click the Attachments tab.
      UAA Enterprise Service Management Assets/CIs asset detail attachment button highlighted
      You can either click the Attachment button, or drag and drop the desire file(s).
      UAA Enterprise Service Management Assets/CIs Asset detail attachment tab
    2. Drag and drop one of the following completed and signed forms:
    3. After the file is uploaded, the asset record should look something like the following.
      UAA Enterprise Service Management Assets/CIs asset detail attachment tab with property disposal form example
  18. When finished updating the asset record, close the browser window.

Need additional help or have issues

For support, requests may be submitted anytime by Requesting Support for the Enterprise Service Management service. Support Requests are worked by Priority based on the Impact and Urgency of need as well as the order they are received by the IT Employees with the knowledge and permissions to assist with the request.

For immediate assistance please review the Contact Us page for ways to contact the appropriate support group.