Add Ticket Time


Expenses should be entered as soon as they are incurred. This helps to ensure they do not miss getting billed. Time should be entered on a ticket as soon as you have completed any time on it. There is no restriction on how many time or expense entries per person, date and type can be entered. It is perfectly ok to enter multiple time entries on a ticket for the same day. For example: I spend 15 minutes on a ticket and then I have to work on something else. I should log the 15 minutes at that time, and then when I go back and work it again I can know how much time I spent on it each time I work it.

Individual time entries may be referred to as transactions since those marked as billable are used to create the Bill.

Time entries can only be edited or deleted by the person listed on them, usually the creator. If you are not that person, create a Task on the ticket to the individual with information on what needs corrected. If the person no longer works for department then the Task should be assigned to the ESM Ticketing Application's AppAdmin group.

What materials do I need?

  • Internet access
  • TDNext license
  • Access to applicable ESM ticketing application

How do I use this technology?

Record Time on a Ticket or Task

  1. Open the ticket to record labor time on.
  2. Click the T&E tab.
  3. Click the + Add Time button.
    1. In the Time Type drop-down menu, select the appropriate type of effort.
    2. In the Hours field, enter the exact duration of actual time worked in decimal format (e.g. 1 hour 15 minutes of work would be recorded as 1.25 hours, 20 minutes worth of work would be recorded as 0.33 hours, etc.)
    3. In the Time Date field, enter the actual date the work took place/started on. For work that starts on one day and completes the next day as continuous work, record the start date (i.e. work begins Friday night at 11:00 p.m. and finishes Saturday morning at 2:00 a.m. the Time Date field would record the date of Friday when the work began.
    4. If there are Tasks assigned to the ticket, use the Task/Activity drop-down menu to select the appropriate task to associated with the recorded time.
    5. In the Description field enter a succinct description regarding the work time being recorded. Note: detailed information regarding the work performed should be recorded as a comment on either the Ticket, or Task, as appropriate. Only record a very brief description of the work here (e.g. Installed Office 2019, Data recovery from corrupted hard drive, etc.) overall context is provided by other areas of the ticket.
    6. Click Save.

Need additional help or have issues

For support, requests may be submitted anytime using the appropriate Enterprise Service Management form. Requests generate a Ticket which will be worked in order received and urgency by IT Employees with the knowledge and permissions to assist with the request.

For immediate assistance please review the Contact Us page for the appropriate support group.

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Article ID: 544
Thu 5/27/21 8:17 AM
Mon 4/24/23 1:56 PM