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Information on how an authorized person can change their default Desktop within the Enterprise Service Management system.
Outlines the usage of attachments within the UA Enterprise Service Management (ESM) system.
Information on how to manually create a display/monitor asset record within the Enterprise Service Management (ESM) system.
People can be added to the ticket at any time. People may be added as alternative contacts, to request approval, or to be kept informed of ticket progress. Once a person is added to a ticket, they can be notified of progress on a ticket, or task when adding a comment, or updating a ticket.
Information regarding a simple set of guidelines and suggestions for version management of Enterprise Service Management (ESM) Workflows.
Information on how to use the TDX messaging extension to collaborate with coworkers via Microsoft Teams on Enterprise Service Management (ESM) tickets, KB articles, Assets and more.
Information on how to update a ticket, and optionally notify the customer, and/or other contacts that may be interested in the progress of the ticket.
The University of Alaska Enterprise Service Management (ESM) system uses a variety of terms throughout its interface. This article list those terms and definitions for reference.
Provides an overview of the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) definitions of classification types, provides sample use cases, and provides additional notes regarding how these classifications are used within Enterprise Service Management (ESM).