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Create an Enterprise Service Management Desktop

: Create a Desktop Format a Desktop Add Modules to a Desktop Remove a Module from a Desktop What materials do I need? Web Browser TDNext license How do I use this

View Survey Responses via the Responses Tab

The Enterprise Service Management (ESM) system provides easy access to view the list of complete and incomplete responses for the survey. This article will walk you through the process of viewing customer survey requests that are pending, as well as completed. ... Overview The Enterprise Service Management (ESM) system provides easy access to view the list of complete and incomplete responses for the survey. This list can be filtered completion status as

Ergonomics - Sitting at a Computer

Information related to ergonomics that will help improve working environment and protect your health while working at a computer. ... . Hold your head at a slight downward tilt to avoid straining muscles in your neck and shoulders. The top of the monitor should be at or below eye level and the screen should be 18 to 30 inches from

Get Started with Google Tasks

apps. Tasks synchronizes across all your devices, so your lists and tasks go with you, wherever you are. Features Create task lists with your most important to-dos View, edit, and manage

Tips for Writing Knowledge Articles

Overview Along with using the existing knowledge templates, here are some tips to help you write good knowledge articles. Tell and Show, Don’t Only Tell: People learn in a wide number of

Edit a Ticket Time Entry

Information on how to edit a time entry on a ticket. ... Overview Time entries can only be edited by the person listed on them, usually the creator. If you are not that person, create a Task on the Ticket to them for what needs corrected. If the person

Windows Software Center

Overview The Software Center allows UA employees to access relevant software & updates on UA owned devices. In most cases, all Windows 10 machines and most other machines that were configured to

Access Adobe Cloud with a Personal Account

Learn how to access Adobe Creative Cloud, once a license has been assigned to your personal account. ... Overview This article will show the process for signing into Adobe Creative Cloud if the licences has been assigned to an account using a Personal ID.  If you have not been assigned a licence you

Update a Ticket Task

Overview Ticket tasks are created on all types of tickets (i.e. Incident, Request, etc.), to assign a specific job to another responsible group. The group assigned the task will then complete the

Course Export using Learning Management System (Blackboard)

Overview This document demonstrates the procedure to perform a course export the UA Learning Management System (Blackboard Learn) Important Individual must be the instructor of the course

Create and Manage Response Template Categories

This article will provide guidance to Enterprise Service Management (ESM) Application Administrators on how to create, and manage response template categories. ... Overview Before creating a response template, you will need to create a response template category. Response template categories allow similar response templates to be grouped together. This

Get Started with Response Templates

This getting started article will help Application Administrators to learn about, create, and modify Response Templates and Categories. Individual's must have the Admin access to one, or more, ESM applications. ... needs to inform the customer of the chosen action via update comments. Application Administrators (App Admins) can create response templates to allow for consistent update comments, like canned

Create a Response Template

This article will provide guidance to Enterprise Service Management (ESM) Application Administrators on how to create response templates. ... Overview When individuals are processing tickets, the same actions are often taken for similar ticket submissions. Importantly, the technician needs to inform the client of the chosen action via

Survey Question Bank

Each Enterprise Service Managment (ESM) ticketing application supports a Survey Question Bank which provides an easily accessible location to find all questions available for (re)use on any survey within that specific application. ...  provides an easily accessible location to find all questions available for (re)use on any survey within that specific application. Questions can be deleted from the bank, and unused questions can easily

Unsubscribe From a Mailing List

Overview If you no longer wish to receive email from a non-dynamic Mailing list there are two common ways that you can unsubscribe from a Mailman mailing list. In this article