Information regarding IT policies.
Mailing list owners must agree to the following polices when applying for, and using a mailing list. All mailing list usage is subject to university's Electronic Mail Policy.
This article provides information on UAA's conventions for naming electronic devices on campus (e.g. computers, printers, scanners).
Information regarding the University of Alaska system administrative guidelines for use of email by staff, and faculty of the university.
Information regarding the University of Alaska system data classification standards.
Learn about copyright infringement and file sharing policies at UAA, and also best practices to protect yourself.
A change freeze window is instituted to prohibit or limit system updates which may have an adverse affect on university business. These schedules aid in mitigating the risk of an outage or issues during important business cycles (e.g. student class registration, final exams, etc.), but also permits IT Services to schedule resources to get important system work done during non-freeze periods. Read on to learn more about UAA's change freeze windows.